Wellness Home Check Instructions

To ensure that our foster dogs are receiving the best possible care, periodically wellness home visits will be scheduled between the foster home and another Speaking of Dogs Rescue (SODR) volunteer. If you have been asked to do a wellness home visit, the foster coordinator will provide you with the pertinent information regarding the dog and its specific needs (i.e. medication, grooming, etc.) so that you can provide a thorough report on the dog and its environment. You will also be provided with the contact information of the foster home so that you can arrange a mutually agreeable time for the home visit. Prior to your visit, you are encouraged to review the dog’s write-up on our web site. Once you’ve completed the form, please email it back to your foster coordinator. Please remember to be courteous. Our foster homes are our most treasured asset. They deserve our respect and graciousness. If you find there are any concerns, please do not confront the foster parent. Note the concern(s) on the form. If urgent, you may want to call the foster coordinator.

General Information

Wellness Checklist/Observation Form